Autumn Meeting 2005 in 蓼科

The 2005 Autumn Meeting saw AMOC/Japan members and friends out in the fall foliage of Kurumayama (see and then a dinner meeting at the Skypark Hotel on November 5.

Nagano prefecture’s Kurumayama region includes Tateshina, Kirigamine, and many other favorite resort spots. Kurumayama itself rises to nearly 2,000 meters above sea level and offers a 360-degree panorama of the Japan Alps and the Yatsugatake mountains. In spring and summer, the hills attract trekkers: in winter, skiers. And of course, year-round there are many people who just want to spend some leisure time luxuriating in the beautiful natural setting. It is about 180km from Tokyo and Nagoya and about 370km from Osaka, easily accessible by both car and train. This year, the bright-colored fall splendor was complemented by the mellow sound of Aston Martins traveling the oddly named Venus Line up to the hotel. Happily, there is also a restaurant (Barakura) with a spectacular 10,000m2 English-style garden along the way where people were able to stop to stretch their legs and get a bite to eat.

There are so many classic car events throughout Japan in the fall that the calendar is crowded and turnout was low, but the people who did make the trip were richly rewarded for their efforts. By the time it was time for the dinner meeting and festivities, there were about 40 people there, including 18 members, many family and friends, and a few special guests. Takehiko Kurihara and his wife were even there with their Morgan.

Ably MCed by Tetsuro Hotta, the party started off with a few words of welcome from AMOC/Japan Representative Yasuhiko Shimazaki, remarks by Katsumi Uotani and Yasuyuki Kitano on behalf of AMOC Official Sponsor and special guest UBS, and then a toast offered by Shunji Sako. In addition to the chance to swap stories and catch up with old friends, this meeting also had the prestigious Bertelli Trophy on display. Since the trophy was scheduled for return to the Barn right after the meeting, many people took the opportunity to photograph it for their scrapbooks.

Once everyone had eaten, two new member couples — Mr & Mrs Masao Sakai and Mr & Mrs Takaaki Mizutani — were introduced, warmly applauded, and given mementos of the day. There was then a drawing for door prizes generously donated by official dealer Atlantic Trading. Plus a number of special awards. The AMOC Centennial Gold Coin, for example, was awarded to Kikuo Kikutani and the Silver Coin to Toshio Yamawaki. (These awards were for their enthusiasm and perseverance in the face of adversity and were well-earned recognition of the two year’s hard work that went into fully restoring Yamawaki’s Aston Martin after he had totaled it.) There was also a special award to Shunji Sako for his truly outstanding contribution to replenishing the AMOC/Japan coffers.

Following all of this, Katsunobu Yoshida and Kazumi Saito closed out the official meeting. However, nobody really talked out yet, an unofficial meeting quickly convened in the hotel bar, and it turned out to be a good thing many people had made reservations to stay the night and drive home the next day.

Next year, 2006, promises to be another good year of supportive networking and happy motoring, and a committee is already working on arranging the spring event.

Participating Aston Martins:
1933 Le Mans 1989 V8 Vantage
1953 DB2/4 1990 Series 4 Lagonda
1964 DB5 Vantage Two 1991 Virages
1967 DB6 Vantage 1995 Vantage
1968 DB6 Saloon 2003 DB7 Volante
1977 V8 Saloon 2005 DB9 Coupe
1988 V8 Vantage

submitted by Yoshiki Yokoyama
AMOC/Japan Secretary

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